Ruby’s Diner Whittier Trunk or Treat
Some Friday night fun at Ruby’s Diner Whittier Trunk or Treat. Ruby’s Diner Friday night cruise runs from April to October with the last one of the season being the fantastic Halloween Trunk or Treat.
Ruby’s Diner Whittier Friday Night Cruise 5-12-23
So I missed the 1st of the season Ruby’s Diner Whittier Friday Night Cruise but I didn’t want to miss the second.
Ruby’s Diner Whittier Halloween Cruise
I do so love that Ruby’s Diner has a seasonal show right in my hometown of Whittier, California. The Friday night cruise starts in April and runs to the end of October. It all culminates with with their trunk-or-treat Halloween event.
Ruby’s Diner Whittier Friday Night Cruise Kick-off
Ruby’s Diner Whittier season has begun. Friday night I headed over to my hometown cruise night at Ruby’s Diner in Whittier, CA. It was a packed show.
Ruby’s Diner Whittier Halloween Cruise
What a great way to end the season at Ruby’s Diner Whittier Friday Night Cruise with a wonderful and crowded trunk or treat. On Friday after the day job, I headed over to Ruby’s Diner to checkout all the wonderful decorated (and not) cars and trucks that came out.
Ruby's Diner Whittier Friday Night Cruise 6-11-21
Friday Night while out running errands I made a quick stop off at Ruby's Diner Whittier for their Friday Night Cruise. It was a great turnout and always a fun time. Every Friday until the end of October a wonderful cruise night.
Ruby’s Diner Whittier Friday Night Cruise-In 5-28-21
Another fantastic Friday night spent in Whittier for Ruby's Diner Friday Night Cruise-In. It's so nice to have a local show that I can go to almost every Friday. This was another one that delivered with some very cool cars.
Ruby’s Diner Whittier Friday Night Cruise-In 5-14-21
Another fantastic Ruby's Diner Whittier Friday Night Cruise-In. Ran into some friends and checked out some cool cars. An all around awesome evening. I do love that I can drive 10 minutes from my place and go check out some hot rods on a Friday night.
Ruby's Diner Whittier Friday Night Cruise-In 5-7-21
The cruise-in season at Ruby's Diner Whittier has begun. On Friday night I headed over to the Ruby's Diner, just a few minutes from my place (I do love a local show), to go check out the show. It was packed! A great turnout for the kickoff.
Celebrating Halloween at Ruby's Diner
The tradition continues, even in these crazy times, with the last of the season Ruby's Diner Friday Night Cruise which is also a Halloween celebration. Typically the Ruby's in Whittier hosts a cruise night every Friday from April until the end of October but this year it was a little shorter but still as fantastic as ever.
Ruby's Diner in Whittier Friday Night Cruise
Ruby's in Whittier is always a great time and lately, as no shows are going on, it's busier than ever. The cruise is getting close to the end of this year's run as we get closer to Halloween.
Ruby's Friday Night Cruise
Ruby's Diner Whittier Friday Night Cruise is back! So, I missed the first couple of them as I had stuff going on but finally made it to Ruby's for their wonderful cruise night.
Unofficial Ruby's Whittier Cruise Night
As things are still in flux around the world and locally many a show has been cancelled or pushed back but shows are starting to come back. Some officially and some not so much.
Ruby’s Friday Night Cruise
Another Friday has come and gone and of course, I had to stop by Ruby's Diner in Whittier for their Friday Night Cruise. It's on my way home from the day job and it's always a good time.
Ruby's Diner Whittier Friday Night Cruise
On Friday after checking out Walden's Speed Shop Open House I headed home but had to make a little detour and stop by Ruby's Diner in Whittier for their Friday Night Cruise.
Ruby's Friday Night Cruise
On my way home from the day job, I did my usual stop past Ruby's Diner in Whittier Friday Night Cruise. It was a fantastic turnout like it usually is and there was a great cross-section of cars.
Ruby's Cruise Night
Friday I headed over to Ruby's Diner in Whittier for their Friday Night Cruise. It was a blast as usual filled with all kinds of wonderful hot rods and friends.
Ruby's Friday Cruise Kicks Off
The Friday Night Cruise at Ruby's Diner in Whittier kicked off last Friday and it was packed. There were so many wonderful cars there as well as so many friends.