Events, Streets Spots & Other Automotive Goodness

Cruise Wesley Nielsen Cruise Wesley Nielsen

Ruby’s Diner Whittier Trunk or Treat

Some Friday night fun at Ruby’s Diner Whittier Trunk or Treat. Ruby’s Diner Friday night cruise runs from April to October with the last one of the season being the fantastic Halloween Trunk or Treat.

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Cruise Wesley Nielsen Cruise Wesley Nielsen

Ruby’s Diner Whittier Halloween Cruise

I do so love that Ruby’s Diner has a seasonal show right in my hometown of Whittier, California. The Friday night cruise starts in April and runs to the end of October. It all culminates with with their trunk-or-treat Halloween event.

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Cruise Wesley Nielsen Cruise Wesley Nielsen

Ruby’s Diner Whittier Friday Night Cruise

Friday while out taking care of a few errands I stopped by the always wonderful Ruby’s Diner Whittier Friday Night Cruise. Now I got there a little early but it was still a great turnout and by the time I was leaving the parking lot was filled with all kinds of automotive goodness.

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Cruise Wesley Nielsen Cruise Wesley Nielsen

Ruby’s Diner Whittier Halloween Cruise

What a great way to end the season at Ruby’s Diner Whittier Friday Night Cruise with a wonderful and crowded trunk or treat. On Friday after the day job, I headed over to Ruby’s Diner to checkout all the wonderful decorated (and not) cars and trucks that came out.

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Cruise Wes Cruise Wes

Caffeine Cruisers 5-1-21

On Saturday I was going to be in the Southbay (that's the Torrance, CA area for all my non-SoCal people) for a show and thought it would be a great time to go checkout the every Saturday show, Caffeine Cruisers. It was a lighter turnout than I expected after seeing a few social media posts about the event but that could easily be because of the show I was going to later that morning.

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Cruise Wes Cruise Wes

Valley Cruise Night 4-23-21

Friday evening I made the trek out to Burbank to hang with my friend DeeDee Cupcake and checkout the Valley Cruise Night. This is a cool weekly cruise that starts at Foster Freeze on the corner of Olive & Glenoaks. They hang out for a while and then go cruising.

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Cruise Wes Cruise Wes

Main Street Garden Grove Friday Night Cruise 4-9-21

Friday night I headed over to Historic Main Street in Garden Grove for their Friday Night Cruise. I don't get to make it all the time to this wonderful cruise but it's always a great time when I do. The street was packed with some very cool classic steel and people having a great time.

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Cruise Wes Cruise Wes

Celebrating Halloween at Ruby's Diner

The tradition continues, even in these crazy times, with the last of the season Ruby's Diner Friday Night Cruise which is also a Halloween celebration. Typically the Ruby's in Whittier hosts a cruise night every Friday from April until the end of October but this year it was a little shorter but still as fantastic as ever.

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