Highway Earth: A Pair of Hudsons

The Highway Earth Car Show brought out all kinds of fantastic vintage classics, and today we bring you two gorgeous Hudsons from that show.HE14-DSC_0138rThe classic 1954 Hudson Hornet was known for dominating NASCAR in the early '50s and, of course, gained a whole new level of fame from the Disney movie Cars.HE14-DSC_0139rHE14-DSC_0140rThis Hudson is the perfect kind of car for cruising around on the sunny Southern California days.HE14-DSC_0142rThe brain child of Frank Spring, one of the designers for this 1955 Hudson Italia, this car is a melding of Italian and American automotive genius.HE14-DSC_0153rThe body was built by Carrozzeria Touring in Italia on the Hudson Jet platform for the U.S. market.HE14-DSC_0156rThe scoops above the headlights are functional and were meant to cool the front brakes, but really just forced air into the fender area.HE14-DSC_0143rThe custom interior comes with a radio, a rare item in the early '50s cars.HE14-DSC_0148rHE14-DSC_0150rHE14-DSC_0146rThe trio of chrome tubes house the taillights for the car, a cool and functional feature of the design.HE14-DSC_0151rHE14-DSC_0144rThere is more to come from the Highway Earth Car Show, so stick around!