Year Two

Two years ago tomorrow, we started sharing our love of cars with you.2ndBlogiversaryWithin weeks of our first post back in January of 2013, a community began to form, filled with people who were equally as passionate about cars as we are. You read our blog, commented on posts, emailed us interesting stories, and connected to us on Facebook. You even sought us out at shows and said hello – and for all that, we’re incredibly thankful. This blog, and you, our readers, have certainly been a bright spot in 2014. So what have we been up to throughout this past year?The Daily Driver Project in 2014, by the numbers…

  • 6170 photos shared with you
  • 564 blog posts
  • 152 Street Spots
  • 113 different countries visited our site
  • 41 shows covered
  • 4 charities supported
  • 1 passion seriously pursued
  • Countless connections made with vintage car nuts like us!

Looking back, we’ll be the first to say that we’ve had a phenomenal second year here at the DDP. Let’s reminisce, shall we? Here are some of our favorite highlights from 2014…Reader Favorite (& Our Favorite) Car Crash…BreaBap14-DSC_0202r

Car Crash: Not Your Average Import

One of the most unusual cars we covered this year is this Roth-inspired hot rod owned by Chuck Schauweker. The look alone made us stop in our tracks, but when we found out this unusual beauty wasn't even built in the states, we knew this was a story we had to cover. RODriguez, as this car is called, was built in Japan, proving once again how the hot rod culture is a worldwide phenomenon.Favorite Street Spot...1947 Tatra T87

Dear Tatra: A Love Story (And Our Best Street Spot Ever!)

Our love affair with the Tatra automobile is no secret, and we've seen them at all kinds of shows this year, but by far one of the most unbelievable street spots of the year was seeing this T87 driving home to Southern California from Monterey Car Week.  Catching a Concours car out on the streets - better yet - out on the highway, is like a Bigfoot sighting.  Oh, beloved Tatra.  We only love you more now.Best Car Show...SCC14-DSC_0009r

All Corvairs, All the Time

There is a special place in our hearts for the Corvair, the rear-engine wonder that at one time was considered one of the most unsafe cars on the road. We attended this year's Corvair Car Show put on by South Coast Corsa Car Club at Bob's Broiler in Downey, and were greeted with an impressive gathering of Corvairs in all shapes and sizes.Best Cruise Night...RWHal-DSC_0065r

Halloween Cruise

There's many a cruise event around Southern California and we're hard-pressed to choose just one as a favorite, but seeing a bunch of cars decorated for Halloween pushes the Halloween Cruise at Whittier's Ruby's Diner to the top of our list for 2014.Most Socially Shared...SS-IMG_5182r

Street Spot: El Camino

We spotted many a car this year crusin' our highways and streets, but this clean El Camino won out as the most loved and shared street spot of the year.Our top five posts of 2014...

  1. Car Crash: Not Your Average Import
  2. All Corvairs, All the Time
  3. Vans of the 'Vair Persuasion
  4. Car Crash: A Pantera on the Prowl
  5. Dear Tatra: A Love Story

Thank you for being by our side through 2014.  We can’t wait for what 2015 brings!Here’s to classic cars, vintage CARma, and you!