Year One

1stBlogiversaryOne year ago today, we started sharing our love of cars with you.  Within weeks of our first post, a community began to form, filled with people who were equally as passionate about cars as we are.  You read our blog, commented on posts, emailed us interesting stories, and connected to us on LinkedIn.  You even sought us out at shows and said hello - and for all that, we're incredibly thankful.  This blog, and you, our readers, have certainly been a bright spot in 2013.  So what have we been up to throughout this past year?The Daily Driver Project in 2013, by the numbers...

  • 4,451 photos shared with you
  • 315 blog posts
  • 148 Street Spots
  • 35 shows covered
  • 4 charities supported
  • 1 passion seriously pursued
  • Countless connections made with vintage car nuts like us!

Looking back, we'll be the first to say that we've had a phenomenal first year here at the DDP.  Let's reminisce, shall we?  Here are some of our favorite highlights from 2013...Craziest Car & Reader Favorite...

IMG_2341rCar Crash: Putting the Super in Supercharged

Sweeping two categories is this Double Double Trouble Hot Rod.  Talk about being in the right place at the right time!  This year's first Del Mar show featured the debut of this insane hot rod, and we were fortunate enough to be there to see it in action!  I'm not sure what the craziest car/reader favorite of 2014 will be, but I can guarantee it will be VERY difficult to top this one!Most Searched...

IMG_2459rBen Affleck’s 1966 Chevelle SS 396

Thanks to a show at OPG, we were able to get a sneak preview of Ben Affleck's Chevelle right after a full and stunning restoration job had just been completed.  This was one clean and uniquely executed SS - it became a new star car favorite in our book!Best Car Show...

ACCC13-IMG_1150rArt Center Car Classic

You expected us to say the Concours d'Elegance, didn't you?  While we'll always have a special place in our hearts for the Concours, the Art Center Car Classic stole our hearts, and is now on our must-go of shows each year.  There were so many things to love about this event: a fun venue filled with creative students, an eclectic mix of gorgeous cars, and most of all, the people - the conversations we had with owners, builders, and transportation design students alike made this show our new fave.Most Controversial...

MainSt-IMG_5116r1959 Wartburg Model 311 Convertible

Who knew a car could receive hate mail?  The controversy behind the Wartburg intrigued us, as did the owner and his passion for preserving this rare little gem.Best Cruise Night...

BBXmas-IMG_1230rBob’s Christmas Cruise 2013

C'mon... a classic drive-in diner, super burgers, sexy vintage cars, AND Charles Phoenix?  You had us at "hello."Favorite Car Crash...

BCFH-IMG_3345r1949 Hudson Convertible

We absolutely felt the love between Press and his Hudson (make that Hudsons, plural).  We fell in love with his beautiful '49 Hudson Convertible, and also fell head over heels for his love affair with all the cars he's had throughout the years.  Press reminded us just how rewarding it can be to treat a vintage car like a member of the family.Best Carlet...

IMG_0224rFatefully Driven: The 1966 Hannibal 8

How could the other carlets (car starlets) even compete?  In a stroke of luck, we happened to meet the owner of this Hannibal 8 at the Petersen's Star Cars Breakfast Cruise-In, and learned that what at first was a six-month request from the museum to have the Hannibal 8 on display, quickly turned into renewal after renewal, six months at a time - for a running 17 years and counting!Favorite Non-Car Photo...

LSeca-IMG_4140rRace Day Dog

We caught this race car driver's best friend in full race-day glory, ear protection and all.  How else can a pup take a nap between rounds on the track?Favorite Street Spot...

1950-Dodge-Truck31951 Dodge Truck

We'll always have a soft spot in our hearts for this fine '51 Dodge, owned by La Verne resident Guy Bourgeois.  While this wasn't our first street spot, it is one clean-looking pickup (that is clearly a daily driver, which we LOVE), and it happened to be the first business card that we ever dropped for this blog.  That first connection yielded our very first subscriber.  Thanks, Guy, for sticking with us from the very beginning.  You're the BEST!So what's ahead for us in 2014?  We're working on a few blog upgrades, planning for new and exciting shows and interviews, and even working on a secret project or two (don't worry, we'll be sure to share all the details when the time comes)!Thank you for being by our side through 2013.  We can't wait for what 2014 brings!Here's to classic cars, vintage CARma, and you!