Whitewall Nationals

Filling a warehouse and parking lot with Kustoms is my kind of show so you know I was going to go check out the Whitewall Nationals. Taking over a storage facility in San Pedro right on the ocean was very cool and definitely filled my quotient of Kustoms at a show. It was great to see friends and their cars hangin' out. There were 2 stages with bands playing and later in the day a pin-up contest. An all around fantastic event.Now before we get into the show pics lets take a little off the top, the top of a Dodge that is. While at the show I ran into Peru of the Dead Sleds CC and his fantastic Dodge, which I already dug. Heck how often do you see a Dodge Kustom? He had gone crazy and chopped the top and I have to say it looked awesome. It was fresh, so fresh that the sanding dust was still on the car and the seat to drive to the show had just been bolted in the night before. So here you go, one good looking Dodge.
