There's a New Show In Town: Wheels and Waves

So I dragged myself out of bed at some ridiculous hour in the morning on Sunday to go check out the new monthly show, Wheels and Waves. Put on by Fireball Tim and Wikd Kustoms, the show takes over the parking lot of Gladstones on Pacific Coast Highway. There was a great turnout for the first show, with fantastic automobiles rolling up in every shape and size and you can't beat being right on the ocean with surfers hangin' in the water and hearing the waves crashing all morning. One of the cool parts of the show was the Automobile Driving Museum drove out three cars and I mean drove, not trailered to the show. You have to love a museum that drives the displays. Heck even the mayor came out to check out the show.[gallery type="rectangular" ids="33153,33102,33103,33104,33105,33106,33154,33107,33108,33110,33111,33112,33113,33114,33140,33115,33116,33117,33118,33119,33120,33121,33122,33123,33124,33125,33126,33127,33128,33129,33135,33130,33131,33132,33133,33134,33136,33137,33139,33141,33142,33143,33144,33145,33146,33147,33138,33148,33149,33150,33151,33152"]

Missed this one. There is one the 3rd Sunday of every month. Go check it out.