Rolling Innovation - The Mercury Turnpike Cruiser

This week we’ll be bringing you our superb finds from Fabulous Fords Forever, like this vintage delight…FFF14-DSC_0161rThe Mercury Turnpike Cruiser a rolling masterpiece for its time. Flashy and innovative, the Turnpike had many features that still exist on cars today.FFF14-DSC_0170rFFF14-DSC_0160rA push button transmission was down in the right corner of the dash and is one of our favorite features. What looks like a tach standing alone on the top center of the dash is the Seat-O-Matic. It remembers the seat positions and turn the dial to get the next user's position. Pretty cool!FFF14-DSC_0157rFFF14-DSC_0168rFFF14-DSC_0159rFFF14-DSC_0166rFFF14-DSC_0167rFFF14-DSC_0164rThose fins and v-lights, do you think the other cars had design envy?FFF14-DSC_0165rFFF14-DSC_0158rIf you don't have enough air from the 4 side windows, roll down the back.FFF14-DSC_0162rDon't change that Ford dial! There is much more to come from Fabulous Fords Forever.