L.A. Roadsters Show 2014

This Saturday marked the 50th Anniversary of one of the legendary automotive events of Southern California - the L.A. Roadster Show.LR14-DSC_0150rThe show benefits the Alex Xydias Center for Automotive Arts (AXC).  Their site describes this organization's offerings as a "two-year automotive program (that) allows students to gain the necessary confidence and hands-on experience needed to enter the automotive industry."LR14-DSC_0142rL.A. Roadster Member cars are easily identifiable by the club signs posted outside their vehicles.LR14-DSC_0216rLR14-DSC_0147rThere were gorgeous roadsters everywhere, as far as the eye could see!LR14-DSC_0203rLR14-DSC_0155rLR14-DSC_0192rLR14-DSC_0183rFrom stunning stock vehicles to creatively modified ones, this show attracts every kind of roadster.LR14-DSC_0205rLR14-DSC_0181rYou guessed it... we have several fantastic show finds to share with you this week!  Stay tuned for more L.A. Roadster goodness!