The Perfect Vintage: A Cabernet Caddy

There's nothing like a superb Caddy, and we found one at OPG that caught our attention...OPG14-DSC_0030rDeep burgundy and full of curves and chrome, this vintage vixen absolutely commanded attention from show goers.OPG14-DSC_0034rOPG14-DSC_0031rYou know we're suckers for a sleek and sexy hood ornament.  What's that?  You're in love with them too?  Then don't miss this post, where we dig into the beautiful hood ornaments in the Automobile Driving Museum's collection.OPG14-DSC_0032rWe were delighted to find a fresh, clean and classic interior to compliment the flawless exterior.OPG14-DSC_0033rSeriously - could that sloped back be any more beautiful?  The design gods were shining on Cadillac when this idea came to fruition!There's one last story we'll be bringing you from the OPG Classic Car Show soon... so stay tuned!