Letter Perfect

Many a hot rodder got their start with the Ford Model T, and that then rolled into the Ford Model A. The beginning of mass-production of these American cars made them readily available and easily modified to whatever the owner wanted. Then along came the 1932 Ford and the classic Ford Flathead, the first mass produced V8. The flathead was a hot rodder's dream, and just begged to be souped-up - and aftermarket companies began to produce speed parts just for that reason. As things progressed through the years we can see that modifications are still popular in cars like these...
which we found at this years Crusin' for a Cure. No matter the shapes, sizes and styles of the early Fords, we never stop loving them, both out on the street and relaxing on the blacktop at an awesome hot rod show.  Whether they are stock, hot rods, or kustoms, these babies are letter perfect in our book.Don't change lanes, there's more to come!